Hey everyone! Been awhile. This fall I start my PsyD program at Kean University to become a Clinical Psychologist. I’m so excited, and my writing has been pouring out of me this summer as I anticipate the fall and reflect upon the year of premedical school I completed this past May.
…I’m back to writing poetry and articles. These days I’m particularly interested in depression and motherhood, as well as flourishing and motherhood, and removing the stigma around mental health struggles for women and parents. (Myself included).
Follow my work on Instagram for daily and weekly updates.
Please feel free to unsubscribe if this isn’t for you anymore. Thanks for reading, I hope this poem leaves you feeling inspired, moved, or a little less alone and a little more seen.
You can’t be a [doctor and a poet.]
A scientist and a mother.
William Carlos Williams did it.
He had Flossy to pack his plums.
To shop for them.
To wash them off.
Can’t I?
Can’t I?
No one told the sky it
couldn’t hold the sun and the
moon there, pressed together, at 3 p.m.,
peeling Elmer’s glue
off her little fingers
like spiderwebs/